We were all stars before we came here.

One unlike any other.

Some inexplicable power pulled us down

to denser and more formed realms of existence.

They call it gravity, Ishq, love…

Our thirst of experiencing and learning

through our bodies, hearts and souls

made us descend into manifestation.

The passage was narrow and most of us struggled to go through…

Some of us are still struggling to really arrive here.

They say God ordered angels to sing so sweetly

that when the soul heard the heavenly song,

It went into rapture and became embodied through ecstasy.

Than it woke up in the world of limitation… and possibilities.

It was a trick to lure what is infinite and free into the finite existence.

Overcoming limitations,

developing our potentials

and bare experiencing life,

makes us grow and rediscover who we are.

~♥~  Agnieszka Ledwon

A natal chart is like a blueprint of the soul that helps you navigate through life better. To construct or calculate a chart, also called a horoscope, I need your full date of birth with exact time and place of birth.
Chart reading is a conversation about you and life.

In moments of doubt and confusion it is like a sign on your way that guides you back home. It helps you to redefine yourself and to understand the spirit of your personal time and timing at this moment in life. Astrology helps you to comprehend where you come from, what your limitations and talents are, and what you need to develop in your process of becoming. Thus, it is an instrument of self-development, guidance, and liberation. It brings clarity and inspiration to those who search for understanding and new meaning.

  • Individual Reading
  • Forecast
  • Comparative Reading

Your individual chart gives an insight into your ground structure, tendencies, talents, difficulties, and patterns reoccurring in your life. It also describes the main axis of becoming, what you already know and what comes easily, as well as what calls for attention, provokes growth or requires development in order for you to feel whole. In other words, it throws light into why you have chosen certain situations or experiences and which steps would help to guide you to evolve in your journey.

Astrology shows the current tendencies, opportunities and challenges present in your life. It also shows the precise timing of certain experiences, when they may be resolved and when the shifts are happening. The universe including our Solar System is a beautiful clock that moves with the astonishing precision and beauty of sacred geometry, which can be traced in your chart marking the stepping stones in your experience.

Apart from individual readings I also offer comparative readings for any two people who want to explore the dynamics in their relationship. It is commutation with all the people whose charts are being involved, with consent.


 Please contact me, giving your full date and exact time and place of your birth.

Reading takes about 1,5 – 2 hours.
Price includes preparation time.
Individual reading: 150 Euro
Comparative reading: 200 Euro
30 Euro for each extra 30 min above 2 hours