I was a dream of a tree.

Tree dreaming of

fresh leaves,

and than flowers,

and finally fruits.

NOW look

the very first green…

I am the first fresh leaves

unfolding after a very long winter.

~♥~  Agnieszka Ledwon

We all dream every night even though we do not always remember.

We all dream every night even though we do not always remember.

Transpersonal Dreamwork is a wonderful tool for guiding you through your dreams and visions to distill their essence. Whatever happens in life, Dreamwork can be used as a vehicle for self-exploration, finding understanding, guidance, expanding consciousness, and growth. It is like stepping back into a dream with a guide, and experiencing it step by step until it reveals itself.

Do you have dreams that leave a strong impression and/or:

  • unsettle you and leave you with a feeling of unease or even shock
  • strike you with beauty, light, delight, or the feeling of awe or rapture
  • seem to bring healing and awakening
  • are puzzling with a feeling of mystery or some kind of new opening
  • keep coming back
  • shake you awake in any other way
Transpersonal Dreamwork is a great tool that allows you to work with the limitations and obstacles a dream is indicating. It helps you to transform what seems like a scary and uncomfortable situation into a resource. Dreamwork facilitates extracting a dream’s gifts, reintegrating lost parts of your being and opens the doors to new experiences in your life.

It does not matter if they are current or old; dreams that move you in some way are good material to work with.

To work with a dream we use Waking Dream Technique. It is an embodying approach to exploring dreams, visions, and any issue that you would like to address in your life where the soul, psyche, and body meet. It enables a direct experience of the dream material in the here and now, leading to a psycho-spiritual transformation.

First we talk about the dream and the moment of awakening, of how the circumstances of life might effect it.

Then we reenter the dream in the present moment anchored in the body. You recall the dream and I guide you through the process, at times making interventions, pausing, bringing attention to the sensations and helping to draw associations from the dream elements. At times you might confront a conflict or difficult situation. With awareness on the breath and an allowing yourself to feel, most tensions dissolve and a solution can be found. This helps you to unlock your hidden potential. As we go through this process you might face challenges or set goals that will help you grow and you may be able to distill the central message of the dream and the experience.


I have been a vivid dreamer since my youth. My nightlife has been rich in impactful dreams. Sometimes they have been confusing or scary, but some have been exquisitely beautiful and touching. Many of the altered states of consciousness that people report as an effect of psychedelics or meditation i was lucky to experience in dreams in my twenties. Naturally i was drawn to dreamwork when it crossed my way. At first i explored for myself, then it was a natural step to share with others. That naturally woke up my interest in dreams. I studied Transpersonal Dreamwork with Nigel Hamilton from CCPE in London and became a certified dream guide.

Today I guide people through their dreams and support them in overcoming inner limitations helping them find more peace and opening to whole new aspects of their being. Often when we see a dream as bad, strange, or scary, it is simple guidance and nothing to be afraid of. Connecting with it and feeling can bring you an answer.

I invite you on truly wonderful and transformative journey through your dreams or visions, a journey into wholeness and fulfillment.


1 session usually takes about 1 -1,5 hour

Introductory session
To give us a chance to get to know each other and see if that feels right to work together I offer a short introductory session, where I might also explain the principles of Dreamwork.
30min – € 30

Regular Sessions

  • Single session 90-120€
    Working with dreams is a journey that sometimes unfolds slowly and sometimes at light speed.
  • I offer a reduction of 20% on every sixth session booked within 6 months for those who wish to dive in at their speed.

I would like to book a dreamwork session

The power of dreamwork impressed me greatly. Meeting You transformed how I view dreams. Till our dreamwork session it was tiring and disturbing bundle of stories in my head, that didn’t allow a good sleep. You showed me what a great gift are those pictures. I have a feeling you help me to make friends with my dreams and open up to their wisdom. It is amazing

Anabelle L.

After really revealing dreamwork I am learning childlike joy, tasting life like a delicious cake and just trying and creating new things for a pure joy of the experience not to get a perfect end result. For so long I did not allow myself those simple things, and I truly missed it… Thank you!

G. V.

After dreamwork with Agnieszka I know one thing: the dreams know us very well, they also know what we need in life. I am so happy I opened up for their wisom. It is a great gift. First after our meeting I could allow myself for more ease and understanding that what I repressed and tried to control is actually a deep desire of my heart and that through dreams the Universe gives me encouragement to follow it with all my might. A part of fear disappeared and I am not alone because the guides from my dream support me on that road!


After a session I had a little chaos in my head, incomprehension and disbelieve. After few days the inner resistance fell off and I feel soft, light, peaceful and I feel inner warmth of positive feelings that spills all over my being… Positive feelings that dreamwork with You unblocked, I believe, for the first time in my life. I am very Grateful!

K. B.