To all children within and without:

Celebrate your innocence, purity of the heart, unleash your joy, simplicity and just natural being that connects you with others without any bias.

Live with curiosity that sees every moment, encounter, experience as an adventure and learning opportunity. Trust in yourself and the Universe that holds you in its arms and go your own ways.

Since you can’t be any other person, may you have the courage to become who you really are.

May you have a beautiful, nourishing, and supportive environment. May you have loving caregivers, if you’re still small, or become one for your inner child if you grew up. May you always have a roof over your head, enough food, pure water, fresh air, birds that remind you of your song, and beauty that uplifts the soul.

May you have friends to play with, to share feelings with, to try out the ideas.

May you feel the earth beneath your feet and connect with stars above your head. May you shine your light always!

May you be well and happy. May you live in peace.

Happiness is simple…