Happy Earth Day, Dear Erthians!

No color, no nationality, no religion, no position, no social status, no money…. Nothing matters if we realize that our fragile life is an extension of life that our mother, the Earth, gives us. Even if we like to think that our spirit is cosmic, still our bodies are from her body. Yes, our consciousness might be star-like, but we could not live full sensual life filled with all the beauty and pleasure of this world without the precious gift of our bodies.

We all stand in some ways on Mother Earth. Her heartbeat is our heartbeat. Therefore we are all connected. We all breathe her air, drink her water, eat what she bares us. We are her children. One human family.

Do you sometimes stop in wonder?

Do you look and see the beauty of this planet? Do you listen and hear the beautiful song of the Earth? Especially now in spring, the birds sing symphonies of aliveness and beauty. Do you pause to taste wonderful fruits or the simple deliciousness of pure water? Do you breathe deeply the fresh air that greenery purifies for us every day? The aroma of flowers, oceanic waters, or deep forests heal your body and mind. Let the sun touch your skin, let the wind caress your face. And then embrace another human dear to your heart. Feel them in your arms. Kiss. Look deeply into their eyes. It is unique to us being alive in this body made of the substance of mother earth. It might not be available in other dimensions of existence.


Realizing this starts to shift the attitude to your own life, body, and relationship with the planet. Life is precious and living in harmony with your body-heart-and-soul becomes a tangible desire. There is natural healing that happens through connecting to the planet Earth, through inhabiting your body fully, and very important connecting authentically with each other.

Give thanks to Mother Earth! Maybe today you can make one or two things that leave a smaller footprint on her precious body? Likewise, you can make more healthy choices that respect nature and the true needs of your body. Simply just put your feet on the ground and dance!

Life is a miracle!

Stop and feel it as you celebrate it today and every day!