Weaving Reality

All indigenous cultures believe in the power of dreams… Furthermore, it is a dream world that precedes the manifested world. Thus our dreams create reality. It is our individual dreams that weave our world, and on the other hand, we are the dreamcatchers that allow to funnel the vision of the Great Spirit into this world. There is great power in dreaming together the new world.

When the world gets sick or imbalanced, it will be reflected in our dreams. If the ocean is dirty it needs our dreams to help to purify it. If the land is being deforested, we will feel that loss through our bodies and minds. Our soul is connected with the Anima Mundi the soul of the world and all the beings. Mystically each stone, plant, animal, human, elemental, and invisible spirit has its specific consciousness and so it can dream and we can be dreaming together with it.

On the other hand when our hearts become closed, when we forget our light, when we feel cut off, or when we neglect the connection and get stuck in feeling as a victim we stop dreaming the big bright dreams… Maybe we stop dreaming at all… and the darkness falls deeper and deeper on us. It is harder for the spirit to penetrate the world, to bring healing and nourishment we all need. Then life and our dreaming feel more like a nightmare. 

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.

Arundhati Roy


Our turbulent times call us to remember ourselves back home. We need to breathe, be present, clear the lens through which we see the world and ourselves, widen our hearts to be able to hold more and to awaken in our dreams and in life.

Remember your light and collect all the bits of your soul split by the dramatic events in your life or in the world, isolation, the shadow of war, pain of natural disasters. Call all your parts back home! Shine your light and help to reignite the light of your relatives, friends, and all the souls that cross your way.

Recognize the connection with your soul and the Great Spirit – whatever you call it – and let them guide you through life. It is not a coincidence that when materialism reaches its peak, and also the peak of destruction, so many also young people seem to reject its charm and respond to the call of their soul and the call of planet Earth.

Reconnect with the community of the healers, mystics, shamans, dreamers, artists, farmers, even scientists that understand that we all are connected and nothing that effects one of us stays indifferent to all the rest. Connect in the heart with the heart of humanity. Know you are not alone. WE are dreaming together even better more beautiful new world .

A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality.

Yoko Ono


We find ourselves in a great transition. Perhaops both, personally as well as collectively. The crisis seem to be gradually growing not diminishing… This are liminal times. It means that the old world is ending but something new begins. Maybe we need to go to the bottom of our personal ocean to bring up some mud so the New Earth can be formed.

Get in touch with your own, ancestral and human darkness. Then bring the light of your consciousness into it. Embrace yourself with all the love you have and embrace all those who were before you, who concrete the world with you, and who are coming after you are gone. It is all of us who dream this world, and it is us who are the dream of this planet.

May it be a dream of healing, joy, creativity and playfulness, kindness and peace, peace peace.

If you need support with working with your dreams, integrating the wounded parts of your being, breaking through limiting believes so you can shine your true light and live the being you came here to be, write to me through contact form and we will find ways of working together.